Adventures in Generosity

The occasionally coherent ramblings of a Stewardship Advisor in the Church of England

Archive for study

The Road to Hell …

I’ve not been the most prolific blogger of late. I’ve also not been the most prolific prayer or reader of the bible. So, in an attempt to kill several birds with one stone I’ve decided to actually open the copy of ‘The Stewardship Study Bible’ that I was given as a new job present and find out what insights I can gleen on all things stewardship. Not bad, considering I’ve been in the job 7 months now.

It occurs to me that reading what the Bible has to say on the subject of stewardship ought to be something a stewardship advisor does on a regular basis,, but as ever am a bit slow on the uptake. It could never be said that I lack good intentions. It’s just that I what I do lack is any sense of focus or an attention span greater than a goldfish !

In an attempt to impose some discipline and develop intention into a regular habit I figured I’d follow the reading programme set out in the book. I also figured it would be more likely to happen if I also committed to track my progress via this blog.

We shall see …

Latest Updates

Just added a whole host of helpful links.

We’ve got resources for planning stewardship campaignsSpecial accounts to make your own personal giving simpler.  Study materials for individuals or house groups and one or two blogs for entertainment

Personal favourites at the minute are my good friends at Christians Against Poverty – awesome what they do to support those who get into financial trouble – especially at the moment.  If your church isn’t already engaged with them please take a look – they have a great financial training programme that you could deliver – brilliant outreach and at the same time a gentle way to reach out to those within your congregation who might just be suffering in silence.